Sunday, February 6, 2011

Manic Man Moment

Where to start?  Umm..Well lets see I had a slight breakdown.  LOL I don't know if anyone has felt this...Have you ever had one of those moments when you let yourself kinda crush on someone.  Not like they are the only one you think is cute or neat, but one that if they did actually ask you out that you would go just to see where it might go.  I hope you are following me!!  : ) Well anyway your sitting there thinking If he asks me out I would go then the next sentence out of his mouth is asking about one of your really good friends and if she is dating anyone!!!  Really!!!!  It makes a bunch of insecure feelings come up like what the heck is wrong with me.  I am so tired of being overlooked.  Don't get me wrong, it is not my friends fault for being so such a pretty and interesting person.  But I am so tired of being "just one of the guys!"  Or "oh that is just my friend Stef."  Or " We are just way too good of friends to date!"  AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! It is madness. So this is what led to my Manic Man Moment and my slight breakdown.  I know that God is in control and that all of these guys that say this aren't the guys God has for me but it doesn't take the pain and frustration away.  Don't worry I have recovered somewhat!  lol :) But is really hard being older and still single.  So I just thought I would share.  I am trying to be patient and wait on the right guy but it isn't always pleasant or easy!  : ) Thanks for letting me vent!


  1. I understand, friend. When it IS God's appointed time, all this stress and worry and tears will pale in comparison to what He has for you. We are in the same boat. Just don't jump ship. We can do it. :D

  2. You are beautiful, smart and funny. I know you feel frustrated. It is sometimes difficult to have so many beautiful, charming girls around. You need to remember that who you are is only based on you. I am sure that God has the right man out there for you. He is working on that "God's perfect timing thing!"
